
this morning

started with a BANG. when ten FRENCH workmen knocked down my door at 6:45 a.m to change the windows on the front of our apartment.
thank (fuck) you landlady.
the whole moving-everything-to-the-other-side-of-the-room part was really charming too. especially since everything was up against my bed which was up against the window.
then big men in steel-toed boots clomped across my bed and laid a ... .. dust sheet (questionable cleanliness) over it and the, now enormous, gap between my bed and the window.
speaking of ... .... presently, there is a LARGE GAPING HOLE where my window was ten minutes ago.
words can't even describe the levels of animosity i am currently feeling toward any human beings within 50ft of me at this time. this strongly includes the landlady's shrieking child-things.

NEXT UP: class at 9:15am. plenty of time to embrace the day.

1 comment:

i said...

she'd mentioned it in the summer, and later said they may come the day before. AFTER 7:00 ... .. it was just such a brutal morning wake up call/ an hour early.