
Part of me doesn't even want to write this. I think because I don't know what to write. I've been putting off this entry for a while now, not from a total lack of things to say, but rather too many things to say about too many different things. There's been a less than ideal atmosphere surrounding this town, many of the people in it, and indeed much of the outside world as well. For fear of sounding once again like the absolute cynic I am deigned to be, I have busied myself with benign tasks ever avoiding the specific responsibliity of writing what I think.
But, no matter, I haven't ever seen a successful (or even existent) blog from somebody who was afraid to write in it.
Perhaps it would be easier to avoid specific matters and speak of the world in general, but then does that do any good in drawing attention to those matters we feel need attention?
So where am I?
How precariously is someone of my generation meant to balance between what is societally accepted and what is condemned? When should we scream for justice and when are we meant to keep our mouths shut? Is it when the elite deign it to be? Should we rant to them about Global Warming but still have hummers and limosines waiting for them afterward? How hypocritical is a society that emphasizes environmental preservation, yet is unwilling to forgo any of its comforts? If someone older, wiser and more powerful tells me to keep my mouth shut or risk losing it all, should I? I certainly hope not. I would like to think that we are not so influencible. That scare tactics, threats and fist shaking would do nothing save ignite a further passion for the cause; however I don't believe this is true. I don't think enough people even care in the first place. I don't think many are willing to continue any sort of fight for justice or equality, or even a cleaner living space if they are incapable of doing it from their own couch, or computer.
I suppose I am just tired of waiting. Tired of caring so passionately about too many things, yet always waiting for something to happen. Some sort of fight to ignite, people to stir, to realise the world is sliding from beneath their feet, that it won't always sit placidly, awaiting decisions. The world is taking flight, is going directions that will leave us, t.v remote in hand, squinting in the dust as we realise its suddenly too late to take up the fight we're always putting off until tomorrow.
Paix. Amour.

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