
I'm procrastinating. Again. Actually I'm putting off procrastinating until I have finished writing this. I'll do that later too. It's become an art in itself, something I get so wrapped up in avoiding that I inadvertantly spend all of my time doing it. Even things that I enjoy doing get sifted to the bottom of the pile in lieu of more frivolous tasks like looking up Osama Bin Laden on google (who doesn't want to know his life story) and calling people I don't even want to see.
So after writing all that about procrastinating I was avoiding putting on paper (kind of) something that needs to be put in a hard copy, and that is a New Years (or in this case five days after New Years) resolution. This year it is just one idea, but it covers a lot of different areas. This year I resolve to Be More Involved. Not just in the obvious areas, like the gym (ahem), school and family, but more importantly in events. Don't just go to events, make them. Find ways to immerse myself in projects and shows, get to know people...really know people not just light hearted chit-chat that never really scratches the surface. Go climbing more and get other people involved in climbing. Learn more about my favourite artists, writers and musicians. Get involved in politics, understand what they are talking about and have a real opinion on who should be running this country. Above all else Read.Read.Read. Finish "War and Peace"(Tolstoy), and "The Great War for Civilization"(Fisk), read work by writers I know as people but not as writers. Read poetry. Dare I say read a book a week? I don't know if I'm ready to be quite that committed yet...small steps.

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